Dan B-C’s Story of Survival, Success:
By Laura Walcher
The headlines in April, 1992, screamed tragedy: “16 DIE IN PERRIS PLANE CRASH.” In that airplane accident, Dan Brodsky-Chenfeld survived, desperately injured, in a month-long coma, but ultimately, alive. Despite all medical warnings and predictions, Dan B-C (as he’s known in the skydiving world), returned to national and world competition, made a profession of training and skydive management, and today is the sport’s most respected and successful athlete. He’s the manager of Skydive Perris (just northeast of Escondido), a world champion of skydiving, and a devout believer in following one’s passions - all of which he’s told us, with heart and humor, in ‘Above All Else,” his new book launching in September by Skyhorse Publishing.
We talked.
LW. You considered other titles for your book – so how and why did you decide on ‘Above All Else”? Dreams? Passion? The clouds?
Dan B-C: We began with “Playing to Win,.” The idea was always that life isn’t about ‘winning.’ It’s about having something that you feel passionate about and want to excel at. If, like me, you’ve defined a goal - like world championship - your success won’t depend upon winning that. In the process of striving to achieve that ambitious goal, you’ll become a winner whether you actually ‘win’ or not. It’s about “playing to win!’
But that title without all the explanation sounded too much like it’s all about winning - the opposite of the truth! ‘Above All Else’ is about finding a passion in your life and having the courage, determination and conviction to go after your dream, whatever it is!
LW: You write that you sold your “soul” along with your possessions, etc. to finance an early – 1989 - bid to win the National Sky-Diving championship. I don’t think you meant that!?
Dan B-C: Not as in ‘ sold your soul’ to the devil, as in accomplishing your goal regardless of how that may effect other important aspects of your life. I meant I was willing to sacrifice material goods and dig a hole of debt to accomplish a dream in which no monetary reward nor even significant recognition of any kind was promised. .
LW: Recently, two accidents at Perris Valley resulted in the deaths
of a few experienced skydivers. What do you make of those events – which hit you hard, professionally and personally?
Dan B-C: Skydiving is a potentially dangerous sport; after all, we jump out of airplanes! These were very experienced jumpers with immense experience. But, with proper respect for the sport and attention to safety, we mostly make it safe. I have over 25,000 jumps and have never been seriously injured! It’s absolutely awful when we lose any of our ‘family.’ Emotional devastation first; then, the pragmatics: What went wrong? Why did it happen? Could it have been avoided - and, what can we learn?
LW: Yet by now - 30-plus years after you began to “fly” – hasn’t
Skydiving become safer, per equipment and technique?
Dan B-C: Skydiving’s as safe as skydivers want to make it Skydivers are not general adrenaline junkies; we don’t enjoy being scared. We don’t consider skydiving risking our lives! But like any other activity - as common as driving a car - you can never become complacent. You need to know and follow the rules! Watch out for those who don’t and don’t put yourself in situations that you’re not confident you can handle!
LW: What are the essential qualities a skydiver needs to succeed
at the sport – and to win in competitions?
Dan B-C: Above all else (!), love it! Love how it feels to experience the closest mankind has come to true human flight! You have to be dedicated to your goals and willing to make the commitment and sacrifices required. Then, work your ass off! It helps to be in good shape and have some athletic ability - but nothing is as important as loving it!
LW: “Above all Else” will tell us about your own journey. Are your “lessons learned” meant to inspire athletes – or all of us?
Dan B-C: I hope people are inspired to stop making excuses and go after the things they feel passionate about, and turn their dreams into reality.
LW: You've achieved becoming a renowned champion, trainer, manager and jumper. What’s next?
Dan B-C: The world record for the largest free fall formation skydive! It’s the remaining challenge that defines how far skydiving free-fall flying skills have come. Years ago, the first two parachutists ‘hooked up’ in free-fall. In 2002, I organized 300 jumpers using 14 airplanes flying in formation. The King of Thailand (really!) supported our 400 person jump. Now, the Price of Dubai has offered to underwrite my team ‘Perris Performance Plus’ ({P3) in organizing a 500 skydiver jump - in Dubai. We ‘fly’ February, 2013 - an opportunity we’re not passing up!